This page describes Tcl® calls for sending AppleEvents. For information on the associated ToolBox calls, see INSIDE MACINTOSH: Interapplication Communication.

Sending AppleEvents


Launch the specified application


tclAE::launch [flags] name


The Process Serial Number AEAddress of the launched application.


Launch the named app into the background. name can be any of bundle ID (bund(Ònet.sourceforge.alphatclÓ)), creator code ('ALFA'), full application name (, or path (/Applications/

flags can be:

launch the application in the foreground
launch a new instance of this app, rather than returning the PSN of an instance that is already running.
For some yet unexplained reason, some applications (Microsoft Word) won't launch completely in the background. [launch]ing such applications won't insert the application into any system menu that specifies running applications (although "About the Finder..." will list it. The only way to get to such an app is through Alpha's [switchTo], after which the application will finish launching. The '-foreground' option gets around this by launching the application in the foreground instead.
This is probably irrelevant on Mac OS X


List information about running processes




A list of lists for each running processes. Each process list consists of the name, signature, process type, launch time, PSN, and application path.


Return information about the running processes.


List information about running processes on a remote machine


tclAE::remoteProcessResolverGetProcesses eppc://


A list of lists for each running processes. Each process list consists of the application URL, name of the application, uid of the user running the application, and pid of the application.


Return information about the running processes on a remote machine. Loosely equivalent to tclAE::processes on the local machine.


send the specified AppleEvent


tclAE::send [flags] anAddress aeclass aeeventID [event parameters]*



flags can be:

don't record (when used with -s flag)
don't execute (when used with -s flag)
-Q eventHandlerProc
queued reply requested (handler proc specified directly)
queued reply requested (register handler with currentReplyHandler). This flag is deprecated and only supported in Alpha for legacy code. Use -Q.
direct reply requested
send event to "self" (kCurrentProcess). Omit anAddress if -s is used
-t timeout
specifies event timeout in ticks
-z transactionID
indicates that event is part of an ongoing transaction with the target (obtained from a misc/begi event).
don't process further flags

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Last modified Tuesday, July 10, 2007 8:44:43 AM

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